Credit card companies make it difficult for credit card transactions to settle at the lowest interchange fees by imposing stringent rules. However, they do offer a solution: credit card processors can fix the transaction—but they’ll keep 75% of the savings for themselves.
Let’s break down the math to clarify this. Suppose a merchant processes a $500 transaction that would have downgraded due to missing data. The processor inserts the missing information before submitting it to the card networks, allowing the transaction to settle at a lower interchange rate, typically saving around 85 basis points. This means the merchant saves $4.25. However, the processor takes $3.19 of that and leaves the merchant with just $1.06, claiming that without their intervention, the merchant would have lost the full $4.25.
Alternatively, third-party services can also correct the transaction for a fee of just 5 basis points. Let’s run the numbers: 0.05% of $500 is only $0.25. The third party would save the merchant the same $4.25 but take only $0.25, allowing the merchant to keep $4.00.
So, here are your options:
- Option A: Let your processor fix the problem they helped create, and you keep $1.06.
- Option B: Use a third-party service to fix your interchange, and you keep $4.00.
The choice is clear. The only complication arises when your ERP or POS system blocks third-party solutions to boost their own profits, leaving you without help.
Click here to schedule a call to learn how easy it is to fix this.