Meet Our Founder

Robert Day

Managing Partner

Robert, the driving force behind, views preserving companies as key to safeguarding jobs and supporting families. As Managing Partner since its inception in 2009, he has led the firm from a startup to the leader in merchant processing auditing. With over 30 years in finance, including 25 in merchant processing, Robert is recognized as an industry expert by The National Credit Association and other prestigious bodies. His insights are featured in top publications like Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, CNN Money, and many more. He has appeared on all the major TV networks. Robert’s contributions extend to various organizations, earning him awards like The President’s Award from Fifth Third Processing Solutions and the BBB Torch Award for Exceptional Ethics. His latest book, “The Great American Heist – How Credit Card Processors Steal Businesses’ Profits,” released in August 2023, is available on major platforms, solidifying his expertise.

Meet The Partners

Jack Clifford

Partner, Chief Financial Officer

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Amanda Leyba

Partner, Vice President of Operations

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Mark DeRousse

Partner, Vice President of Client Services

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Robert Newman, Esq

Partner, General Counsel

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Meet The Board Members

Our Core Values


Transparency is everything! We give it, and we demand it for our clients. No transparency; no trust!


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We never sell, never disclose, and we make sure all of your data and information is locked down tight.


More than anything, we value people! Whether you are our smallest client, or the largest, or a processor, we will always treat you with the utmost respect.

2009 Original Partners

Our History

In January 2009, a highly successful commercial banking executive turned his life upside down. In a boardroom meeting while working for the world’s largest credit card processor, the reality of what was really happening suddenly turned his stomach. The deception, the plans to add unwarranted fees, and then to hide them for outrageous profits… it was all too much, and he blurted out, “I can not do this anymore. I got into banking to make my mother proud, and I have to get out because I can no longer tell my mother what I do.” This was the impetus for, and Robert Day, that frustrated banker, went home and told his wife he was done.

Robert had many conversations in those early days with co-worker Jack Clifford (now CFO for weAudit). He proposed to Robert that they DO something about it, “We need to help merchants; we need to put what you know to good use and put the genie back in the bottle. Let’s right the wrongs.” But those beginning years were HARD. Growing up poor with hard-working, small business-owning parents and as a young entrepreneur with two of his own companies before the bank, Robert knew firsthand the pain and hardship many businesses face just trying to make ends meet. This brand new company, with an entirely new concept for protecting businesses, struggled and lost money the first five years, and both Jack and Robert wrote personal checks many times just to make payroll. It almost didn’t make it.

But today, 15 years later, after pioneering the “auditing of credit card processors” as an advocate for the merchant, has not only won numerous awards but has many of the largest companies in the world as clients who have turned to them to save them millions. From a dry cleaner to Fortune 100 companies, can help every company that takes credit cards. Today, they are known within the industry not only for their expertise but also as America’s #1 Credit Card Processing Auditing Firm.

​​The Heart Of Our Story

Our Managing Partner Robert Day, while attending various events, is often asked what he does. He always replies the same way every time: “I save families.” His wife, with a tone of incredulity, quickly replies, “No, he doesn’t.” “But wait, yes, I do!” He says. “If you will give me just a minute, I will connect the dots”.

Money is the number one reason for divorce. When we save a company’s money, we do more than increase their profits. We save a job, and when we save that job, we prevent a parent from having to tell their family that they no longer have employment.
When he was 9 years old, Robert’s parents called him into a room where his other four siblings had already gathered, and he remembers everyone crying. They said, “Daddy is moving out, so you need to decide who you want to live with.”

For us, it is way more than just saving companies money. It’s about making a difference in people’s lives. I think once you get to know us, you will see a passion that goes well beyond a calculator. We love protecting those who can’t protect themselves, whether it is a business or the helpless children of the world. At the bottom of this page, you will find a few of the organizations we support. If you can, please consider helping those in need.

How We Give Back

Convoy of Hope

A faith-based, nonprofit organization that has helped more than 70 million people throughout the world by sharing food, water, emergency supplies, agricultural know-how, and opportunities. Convoy of Hope empowers people to live independent lives, free from poverty, disease, and hunger


Compassion International is a child advocacy ministry that pairs compassionate people with those who are suffering from poverty. The ministry releases children from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty. The goal is for each child to become a responsible and fulfilled adult.

Samuel’s House

A faith-based nonprofit dedicated to making a positive difference in Venezuela, especially in the lives of at-risk children. Located on a rural farm outside Caracas, they are raising children to understand they are created in the image of God with the gifts and abilities to effect change in the world around them.

Heaven Born

Heaven Born is a nonprofit project where books and handmade pillows are given to women who have suffered an early pregnancy loss. The simple book gives information on handling the emotional challenges an empty-armed mom will face, and the pillow provides a tangible source of comfort.

One Heart

One Heart walks with families through the entire process of learning about foster care, taking the required training and then supporting families after foster children join their family. One Heart strives to support families along their journey to help them nurture the children in their care.

Community of Hope

La Gonave, meaning “The Lost Island,” is an island off of the coast of Haiti in desperate need of self-sustaining agriculture, education, and fishing, as well as basic needs like clean water.

Kay Refij

Kay Refij is a place of refuge in Montrouis, a small Haitian village. They take in abandoned children whose families can no longer support them. This orphanage is based in Haiti, therefore it is not a 501c3.

Susan G Komen

The Susan G. Komen® organization was the beginning of a global movement. What was started with $200 and a shoebox full of potential donor names has now grown into the world’s largest nonprofit source of funding for the fight against breast cancer.

As seen on

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