weAudit.com is the firm that small businesses to Fortune 500 companies turn to for advice on how to lower their merchant processing fees. We believe in and strive for 100% transparency in this industry; therefore, you will find all of our fees and costs are fully disclosed. We are recognized as the industry experts in merchant processing by the National Association of Credit Management, Credit Research Foundation, Credit Today, Riemer, Coleman Research, and DeMatteo Monness. And we back up everything with a “love us or don’t pay us guarantee.” In October 2019, weAudit.com was awarded the prestigious Torch Award for “Exceptional Ethics and Service.”

You will be contacted within seven (7) business days if your bid is being considered.
No. weAudit.com does not sell or resell processing. We are a fintech auditing consulting firm specializing in all aspects of merchant processing.
We don’t care who or what our clients use. Our job is to help them pay the lowest amount in merchant processing fees, nothing more!
Our revenue comes from our clients.
No. weAudit.com works with all entities on the merchant’s behalf and is processor-neutral.
Yes. We work for our clients and their best interest. Anything else would be a conflict of interest.
No. Our clients pay us to represent their interests and their interests only.
No. We only provide the number of locations, annual volume, and average ticket. (No exceptions.)
As seen on

Want to talk?
- Call us today 800-672-1292
- Book a free consultation